StatusGator Support

Creating an incident

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Creating an incident

Incident is an outage or downgraded performance of some service/feature/site. You can create incidents affecting your Custom monitors and manually change/adjust incident statuses to make sure your team or status page subscribers stay up-to-date.

How to create an incident

To create an incident, navigate to the Incidents page and click the "Add Incident" button located in the upper right corner. 

On the next page, fill out the following fields:

Incident name provide a concise description of the issue. Typically, you would write something indicating the problem, such as "poor network performance" or "broken printer".

Incident severity   categorize the impact of your incident to communicate its level of urgency. The severity levels are:

  • Major - The entire service or product is down.
  • Minor - There is a slight degradation in service performance or one feature is not functioning, but the main service components/features are still operational.
  • Maintenance - The service is under planned or scheduled maintenance, resulting in temporary downtime for maintenance work.

Incident phases  choose the phase of your incident. Typically, "Investigating" is the initial phase. Below are explanations for each phase:

  • Investigating - Reporting and creation of the incident.
  • Identified - The root cause of the issue has been identified.
  • Monitoring - Ongoing monitoring of the incident updates.
  • Resolved - The issue has been fixed, and the service is up and running.

Incident details  provide additional information, such as the reason for the issue (e.g., "the printer is not working due to a hardware malfunction" or "the scanner is being replaced"). 

Incident start time - the current incident start time is shown by default, but you can adjust it as needed.

Affected monitors - select the custom monitors affected by your incident. Ensure you set the affected monitor status, which typically reflects the incident severity. This status will be displayed on your Status page, shared with your team or users, and on your Monitors page.

Notify status page subscribers - choose to notify your status page subscribers about the incident's creation, updates, or removal. You can check and manage your subscriber list on the Status Configuration page under the Subscribers tab.

Publish incident - once the incident is published, it will appear on the Incident page under the Ongoing tab and on your Status page. You can also check the status changes of the affected components on the Monitors page.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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