StatusGator Support

Slack permissions

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Slack permissions

When you connect Slack to StatusGator, we request certain permissions in order to deliver service status updates directly to your team. Below is a breakdown of each permission we request, what it allows us to do, and why it’s necessary: 

PermissionWhat It AllowsWhy We Need It
chat:writeAllows the app to send messages to channelsStatusGator uses this permission to post status updates into your selected Slack channels.
chat:write.publicAllows the app to send messages to channels it hasn't been invited toEnables StatusGator to post updates even if the app hasn’t been manually invited to every channel.
chat:write.customizeAllows the app to send messages with customized usernames and avatarsLets StatusGator messages appear with a custom name and icon, making updates more recognizable in your Slack workspace.
commandsEnables the use of Slash commandsThis allows you to interact with StatusGator via Slack Slash commands (e.g., /statusgator) for quick access to service statuses or settings.
team:readProvides basic team information including the workspace nameUsed to display relevant information on the Slack app integration page and to personalize your StatusGator integration.
channels:readAccess to public channel metadataAllows StatusGator to list your available public channels when setting up notifications.
groups:readAccess to private channel metadataLets StatusGator display private channels in your integration setup, so you can send alerts to them if desired.
im:read (optional)Access to direct message channel metadataThis allows StatusGator to list direct messages during setup. However, if you're not using DMs for notifications, this can be omitted.
links:readLets the app receive metadata about shared URLsRequired if you want StatusGator to unfurl status links shared in Slack messages (i.e., show a preview when a link is posted).
links:writeAllows the app to show rich previews of linksUsed in combination with links:read to display rich previews of status links shared in Slack.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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