StatusGator Support

Displaying Components Separately

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Displaying Components Separately

Many cloud services monitored by StatusGator are composed of separate components. The nature of these components varies from service to service. For large cloud providers, there are often components grouped into regions and then segmented by product or service offering. For other providers, components might be features or areas of a product.

Because some services have a very large surface area encompassing many distinct components, you may wish to display certain components separately on your StatusGator dashboard and status page. For example:

In the board picture above, Amazon Web Services has two entries: One for EC2 and one for S3. Cloudflare also has two different entries, one for their CDN service and one for the DNS service. And the Heroku service is separated into two different monitors: Heroku Apps for the hosting platform status and Tools for their deployment and infrastructure features.

To configure your board like this and separate a specific service component into a separate service monitor:

1. Search for the service you wish to add.

2. Configure its component filters to only the component(s) you want to display.

3. Rename the service however you wish it to be displayed on your board and status page.

For example, to add AWS Athena to your dashboard, search for Amazon Web Services. Click Add Monitor, then select Service Monitor and search for Amazon Web Services:

4. Click the Amazon Web Services item in the search results.

5. The Amazon Web Service service will be added to your board. If you already have the service, its name will be appended with a number. Click 3 dots next to the service and hit Configure:

6. Select the Component Filters menu on the next page. Choose which services, products, or regions the status of which you wish to display on your board. In this case, select filter to specific components and type the name of the components that your team uses (Amazon Athena in this scenario) and check off the needed box/boxes:

8. Select the general menu tab, enter a Display Name for this service. In this case, Amazon Athena and click Save.
Tip: You can also choose to override the default icon for better visual differentiation from other monitors.

Your dashboard and status page will reflect the separate service, filtered to the status of only those components you chose.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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