StatusGator Support

Updating an incident

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Updating an incident

To add an update for your ongoing incident, you have two options:

  1. Go to the Incidents page and select "Add update" from the context menu.

2. Alternatively, you can navigate to the incident detail page and add the update from there.

On the next page, you can add incident update details such as:

1. Incident severityIf it has changed, select one of the following severity levels

  • Major - The entire service or product is down.
  • Minor - There is a slight degradation in service performance or one feature is not functioning, but the main service components/features are still operational.
  • Maintenance - The service is under planned or scheduled maintenance, resulting in temporary downtime for maintenance work.

2. Incident phase - simply click on the relevant phase to change it. However, you can choose to remain on the same phase if it's appropriate for your case. Here are explanations for each phase:

  • Investigating - Reporting and creation of the incident.
  • Identified - The root cause of the issue has been identified.
  • Monitoring - Ongoing monitoring of the incident updates.
  • Resolved - The issue has been fixed, and the service is up and running.

4. Additional details for your update, such as further explanations or specific actions taken.

5. Update time - the current incident update time is shown by default, but you can adjust it as needed.

6. Status of affected monitorsif the status of an affected monitor has changed, you can adjust it accordingly. For example, if the monitor is no longer down but has minor issues, change it to Warn. Likewise, if the monitor has completely recovered from this incident, change it to UP. 
Note: if all monitors are back operational, we recommend changing the phase to Resolved - in this case, all affected monitors will be set back to UP automatically.

7. Notificationscheck or uncheck the box to notify your status page subscribers of the incident update.

8. Once you've completed the necessary updates, hit the "Publish update" button. You can view all incident details, including the published update, on the Incident detail page, your Status page, and on the Monitors page for affected components.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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