StatusGator Support

Service directory

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Service directory

You can access our extensive service directory directly from your StatusGator account, putting status information for over 3,900 services at your fingertips. Each day, this number continues to grow, expanding the breadth of services you can monitor and manage effortlessly.

How to access Service directory

Click on “Add Monitor” in your board, then select “Service Monitor” – and there you have it, the full service directory at your disposal.

Filter to use specific use case

We understand that different roles and industries require different sets of services. That’s why we’ve implemented convenient filters by use case or category. Whether you’re a system administrator in a school or an IT manager in a corporate office, you can find services grouped by relevant categories. For instance, by selecting the “Education” category, you can quickly access the most popular services used in educational institutions.

Can't find a service? Request it!

If you don’t find the service you need in our directory, don’t worry. You can easily request its addition using the link at the top of the service directory page. We typically add new services within 48 hours, ensuring you have access to the latest and most relevant services for your monitoring needs.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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