StatusGator Support

Creating a custom monitor

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Creating a custom monitor

Custom monitor is designed for cases when there might be no website for your service/device at all, like a printer in your school library, ATM at the university, stuff like that. 

You can name custom monitors however you want and add manually update their status. 

To create a custom monitor, follow the steps below: 

1. Simply click Add Monitor in the upper-right and choose Custom Monitor: 

2. Enter the monitor name. StatusGator will show its status on your board. You’ll see it on your internal board and your status page, just like any other service. 

Here's how it looks on the monitors page: 

You can manage the status of your custom monitors by creating incidents. This way, you can communicate any outages or downtime with your team or your status page subscribers.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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