StatusGator Support

Configuring custom monitor

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Configuring custom monitor

You can configure your custom monitor using the following steps:

1. Select the custom monitor you want to configure. Choose the "Configure" option from the context menu.

2. On the Configuration page, you can:

• Rename the monitor
• Optionally, add a description that will be displayed as a tooltip.
• Upload your own custom icon. We suggest PNG format in a square aspect ratio for the best look.
• Delete the monitor
Once you've made updates, save your changes.

From the Monitors page, you can also create an incident for a selected custom monitor to control its status and communicate any issues with your team or Status page users.  To do so, choose the "Create incident" option from the context menu and add incident details such as:
• Incident name
Incident severity (Major, Minor, Maintenance)

• Incident details

• Incident start date, time (the current time is shown by default, but you can adjust it as needed).

• Affected monitors (the selected monitor will already be checked, but you can add more custom monitors if needed and if they are affected by the incident)
Additionally, you need set the affected monitor's status to Warn, Down, or Maint. This status will be communicated on your Status page and displayed on the Monitors page in your Status Gator account.

You can also notify your Status page subscribers about this incident once it is published.

Once you have finished with the incident details, you can publish it. The incident will be listed on the Incidents page, where you can update and manage it. It will also appear on your Status page and the Monitors page for affected monitors.

If you have any questions or problems, please email us or submit a ticket.

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